EDGAR LISONDRA (Sports Coordiantor): We will be ready

You can get hurt jumping off this bandwagon so often. It’s tough to be a front runner when you don’t know which direction the parade is heading.

“We can’t afford to lose any games at this point and obviously we put ourselves in this situation during the first part of our preparation for the coming Mayor's Cup 2010,” Edgar Lisondra said after finalizing an exhibition game against the URIOS UNIVERSITY. “All we can do now is win. We have had some tough games in the past and these last couple of tune-up games is kind of our little breather before we play SEC, SPUS, and TRADE for the coming tournament. We play everyone in front of us so URIOS is obviously going to be a big game and will be a great exhibition game for our Intramurals.”

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is what others think you are."